Professional Psycho Educational Services

School Psych Care services include academic evaluations, cognitive evaluations, bilingual evaluations, school-based consultation services, case-by-case services, review of evaluation meetings, and virtual services.  Details of services are provided below:

Academic Evaluations

School psychologists conduct academic evaluations to assess a student's current level of academic achievement. These assessments help identify areas of strength and weakness in subjects such as reading, writing, mathematics, and other core subjects. Academic evaluations serve as the foundation for developing targeted interventions and Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) for student who may require additional support.

Cognitive Evaluations

Cognitive evaluations, often referred to as intelligence testing, provide insights into a student's cognitive abilities and potential. These assessments assess cognitive functions such as problem-solving, memory, and reasoning. They help educators and psychologists tailor instructional approaches and accommodations to match a student's unique cognitive profile.

Bilingual Evaluations

For students from diverse linguistic backgrounds, bilingual evaluations are essential. These evaluations may assess a student's proficiency in English and possibly in their native language. These evaluations ensure that students receive appropriate support, accommodations, and specialized services if they are English language learners or have language-related difficulties.

School-Based Consultation Services

Consultation services are offered to school teams, teachers, and administrations that include guidance on addressing students' academic, social, and emotional needs, classroom management strategies, and creating a positive and inclusive learning environment.

Case-by-Case- Supports

Are offered to alleviate the burdens many school districts face such as ensuring that resources, such as staff time, assessment materials, and funding are used where most needed.  These services may also ensure that school districts remain in compliance with legal requirements and most importantly lead to optimized student outcomes.

Review of Evaluation Meetings

One of the critical components of the special education process is Review of Evaluation (ROE).  These meetings involve discussing assessment results, assisting determining eligibility for special education services and developing and revising Individualized Education Plans (IEPs).

Our mission is to help all children overcome challenges, develop resilience, and achieve their full potential.